ADA Website Accessibility Policy

Mount Clemens Montessori Academy is committed to making its website accessible to students, prospective students, parents, Academy staff, visitors and members of the community with disabilities, particularly those with visual and hearing impairments or who otherwise require the use of assistive technology to access information. All content uploaded on the Academy’s website, and new, updated and existing content provided by third parties will conform to the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 or updated equivalents of these guidelines to the extent possible.
With regard to the Academy’s website and official web presence which is developed by the Academy and developed, maintained by, or offered through third parties, the Academy is committed to compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (section 504) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II), so that students, prospective students, parents, Academy staff, visitors and members of the community with disabilities have accessibility to the same programs, services and activities as those without disabilities; and thus are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination  regarding programs, services and/or activities delivered online.
A student, prospective student, parent, Academy staff, visitor or member of the community with disabilities who wishes to submit a complaint regarding a violation related to the accessibility to the Academy’s website may file a complaint directly with the Website Accessibility Coordinator. Complaints shall be submitted in writing, via email or online using the Website Accessibility Complaint Form. When the Executive Director or another Academy administrator receives a complaint, he/she will forward the complaint to the Website Accessibility Coordinator.

Website Accessibility Coordinator

Address: 1070 Hampton Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48043
Telephone: (586) 465-5545

The complaint will be investigated by the Website Accessibility Coordinator or designee following this process:
  • The complainant will be contacted by the School Leader or designee no later than ten (10) school days following the receipt of the complaint by the Website Accessibility Coordinator or designee.
  • An investigation of the complaint will be conducted by the Website Accessibility Coordinator or designee and completed within fifteen (15) school days. Any extensions will be approved by the School Leader or designee.
  • The Website Accessibility Coordinator or designee will prepare a written report of the findings and conclusions within five (5) school days after completing the investigation.
  • The Website Accessibility Coordinator or designee will present the written report to the School Leader or designee who will determine if further information is needed.
  • The School Leader or designee will contact the complainant at the conclusion of the investigation to discuss findings and actions to be taken as a result of the investigation.
  • A complainant who is dissatisfied with the result of the investigation may file a written appeal with the School Leader or designee within five (5) school days of receiving the final investigation report.
  • The School Leader or designee will issue a written decision within ten (10) school days of receiving the appeal. The decision of the School Leader or designee will be final.

Records of each complaint, correspondence, investigative report and resolution will be maintained by the Website Accessibility Coordinator for one school year.

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