Admission & Registration

To register, please contact the Academy directly at (586) 465-5545 or 

Mt. Clemens Montessori accepts applications year-round. In the event an opening is available during the school year, a student may enroll according to the official waiting list, if any.

  • Mt. Clemens Montessori will not discriminate on the basis of intellectual or athletic abilities.
  • Mt. Clemens Montessori will not discriminate on the basis of “measures of achievement or aptitude.”
  • Mt. Clemens Montessori will not discriminate on the status of a handicapped person or any other basis that would be illegal for an existing school district.
  • Mt. Clemens Montessori will provide for the education of its pupils without discrimination as to religion, creed, race, sex, color or national origin.
  • Mt. Clemens Montessori will comply with all state and federal civil right laws.
  • Mt. Clemens Montessori will comply with all state and federal law applicable to public school, concerning church-state issues.

Mt. Clemens Montessori includes, as part of the Enrollment process, a meeting with each student and parent/guardian prior to the student attending the Academy. Each applicant and their parent/guardian will have the opportunity to become fully informed as to the scope of the Academy curriculum and requirements before making a final decision to attend.​

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